Saturday, October 23, 2010

An Unexpected Twist.

Rayne here,

Today was the start of a new life. And a new feeling toward imps as it seems.
Anyway, I woke up in a blizzard, nothing but white around me. Confused, I stumble to my feet and look around, pure nothingness. I couldn't even see if it was night or day. I pushed myself to walk forward, my weapon heavy on my back. Before I reach back to grab my falchion I get startled by a bright light. I freeze in place, staring off into the distance.

Within half a minute the snow clears just enough for me to notice the light is within a sheltered clearing -- it must be fire! I begin darting towards it until I notice that in my moment of blindness two figures have occupied the shelter, one about my size, another massive. I gasp, swearing at myself for doing such an idiotic thing. I get low and dart toward it again, slowly peeking over the side. I hear them talking, until the small one looks at me and asks what I am doing.

I squeal and say hello. Before too long I was invited in, the first thing I noticed was it was a pretty old shelter, used by many travelers no doubt. Wait, I see a Scythe in one of the corners and look at it, so does the small man as the big Barbarian stares at me seductively, "men" I mutter under my breath as I eye-roll. I move over to the Scythe as the man does, looking at the lovely wooden handle and sharp blade, I move to touch it as I hear a soft female voice coming from behind the Barbarian, "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

I look behind the Barbarian to see a tall, slender woman in odd clothes dragging along a Deer. I speak up to break the silence; "who are you?" "I am the bearer of dinner." she says as she picks up the deer and puts it inside the shelter. As we begin to cook the meat over the fire someone asks the mysterious woman "what are you doing in the middle of a blizzard, well, moreso why are WE in the middle of a blizzard?" she replys with "right where you need to be," this intrigues me...

"You are here to learn whatever it is you need to learn." there's more silence until someone asks; "when does this learning experience begin?" the woman says "from birth," -- I didn't think she'd be the one to have a humour. The man rolls his eyes "oh, ha-ha, I mean this one..." "as soon as you are ready." after, she begins telling a story. It made me sleepy. A story of a man in search for a weapon. The man was in search for it to end the War of Gods. I began to fall asleep and dream about this man, in the same situation as I, stuck in a blizzard, inside a shelter, falling asleep... the dream was strange and felt small.

Suddenly I woke up to light. It was morning, the snow had stopped falling. Everyone else was awake also. As I was checking out my falchion I heard someone ask the mysterious woman how far away town was, she said it was five miles "that way". I figured I'd just follow them. The small man got up, climbed over the side and began walking, I ran after him and said hello, he nervously said hi back. I heard a big noise as the Barbarian stepped over the wall of the shelter. I smiled and thought "friends!". I looked back and the mysterious woman was following us also. She kinda scared me.

Anyway, we walked and walked, until I remembered that I forgot to ask everyone their names. I skipped upto the small man and asked his name, he said it was Lucyan, I giggled, I'm so mean. I then Asked the big man, he said Preod -- I'd rather Barby. I walked up to the woman, she said Sahda, very pretty! I told them my name and went back to my spot. We walked until we got up to a tree and suddenly a scorpian-like tail flew from behind the tree and just missed Lucy. I gasped. It was an imp, a tiny humanoid with leathery batwings and long horns, it was hovering at waist-level.

Lucyan tried to attack, but with no weapons, he sadly failed. It was my turn, I swiped at it with my falchion, it missed, gah. Preod used his greataxe, but with his size compared to the imp, he missed. I then yelled out "we all suck!" a few giggles were shared as I try again and failed again. The imp flies toward me and misses but clips it's wings on my shoulder and falls to the ground.

Stuck in the snow, the barbarian swings at it and successfully hits the imp. I chuckled and Lucyan asked if he could borrow my mini crossbow and dagger, I happily gave them to him and he used the crossbow to hit the imp. I giggled at how good we are getting as I hit the imp, blood covers the surrounding snow as I look down at it thinking "ugly monster."

We took a rest and sat down talking amongst eachother as Sahda asks me "That was your first real kill, how do you feel?" I reply with, "Actually it's better than usual hunting, doing it out of revenge." She nods and runs off to do something, towards an area full of creatures. I think the imp gave her an idea... "Shit."

After our rest she takes us toward the forest area, there were three imps. Obviously one for each of us "students". I looked at the mysterious woman with shock and suddently I felt a sting. "GYAH!" the imp stung me then I angrilly attacked it. Everyone else began attacking their own imps as I miss and mine stings me again. Damn thing.

Sahda hits it with her scythe, thank God. I suck... I try again and miss. F***, this training isn't helping. Sahda helps again, but gets stung, this is the GOD'S scythe! Shouldn't it be working?! I then get enraged and use whirling blade, I throw my falchion at my imp, it misses, then to the barbarian's imp, it misses too, then towards Lucyan's, it hits and kills it instantly!

"NYAA" I get stung by my imp... again! I sigh and go retrieve my weapon, it makes a sloppy noise as I pick it up. Man, these imps are small but full of blood. I chuckle as I walk back to where I was and stab at my imp, miss. Dammit. Mine then attacked Sahda. She enrages and grabs it by the neck, choking it to death. "You couldn't have done that to begin with?" Lucyan says as I begin to laugh.

Last one. The barbarian growls and tried to hit it with his axe, it lodges in the ground and he gets stung. I then attack it and it dies. Thank. God.

We then walked off towards the town.

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